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Writer's picture Roanna Rhodes C.L.C.

Caution Minds Gone Crazy

My brain goes crazy sometimes. It used to happen often. I would feel overwhelmed, and it would lead to fits that would sometimes be followed by outbursts followed by guilt because of the outbursts.

Our minds are constantly thinking distorted thoughts, which create feelings that are not useful for us.

When we think we will never get it all done, or we will never meet our goals, the overwhelming feelings of doubt and hopelessness take over.

I teach a way of looking at goals and circumstances that extracts all the drama from any situation. I call it data over drama.

An example of this kind of data is when a busy mom is feeling overwhelmed and may think something like the following:

I have too much to do.

I'm overwhelmed.

The kids are always fighting.

The house is destroyed.

There are dirty dishes in the sink.

My in-laws are coming, and there are four loads of laundry on the bed where they will sleep.

I have no energy; I want to lay on the couch, eat Doritos and look at Facebook.

I do not know where to start.

I'm a horrible mother; other women always have their life in order but I suck at this. My kids will be slobs;

my mother-in-law will think I am a lousy housekeeper and a bad mom.

My husband will be home soon, and he will be annoyed when I ask him for help.

Here is how to extract the data out of the drama.

First, make a list of what needs to be done and decide how long each task takes:

Fold clothes: 30 minutes

Put clothes away: 30 minutes

Wash dishes: 30 minutes

Change sheets on the guest bed: 10 minutes

Clean bathroom: 30 minutes

Then, extract the drama.

We cannot control what our mother-in-law thinks. This is drama.

Our kids may be slobs; that will be their problem at a later date. Thinking about it now is drama.

“I have too much to do”: drama.

“I am a horrible mom”: more drama.

Thinking other people have it together: drama.

“I don't know what to do”: drama.

“I am a bad mom”: drama.

“I suck at this”: drama.

“Why do I procrastinate?”: drama.

“My husband will be annoyed”: more drama.

When you take the drama out, you have less than 3 hours of work to do. That is it.

Extract the drama.

Your drama may be around something else, but the truth is: we all have mind drama.

Mind drama is what prevents us from getting done what needs to be done.

It stops us from meeting our goals, the big ones and the small ones.

When we stick to the data and leave the drama behind, we create the results we want.

We create our limitations when we begin to believe the lies and the drama in our minds.

When we clean up the drama, we make better choices for ourselves.

The drama does not serve us, but the data will.

See you next week,



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